ответ: halo (circle, disk or halo in greek) is the name of a group of optical phenomena in the atmosphere that arise as a result of refraction and reflection of light by ice crystals forming cirrus clouds and fogs.
the phenomena of the halo are very diverse: they look like rainbow (when refracting) and white (when reflecting) stripes, spots, arcs and circles in the sky. when observing a halo, it is necessary to cover the sun with an object or at least with your hand so as not to spoil your eyes (in most cases, when photographing, it is also advisable to close the sun). it is advisable to wear dark glasses, as individual elements of the halo are dazzlingly bright.
there are even signs associated with the halo: around the sun or moon, a halo is visible (a sign of worsening weather); in winter - white crowns of large diameter around the sun or moon mean that frosty weather will continue; the ring around the moon - to the wind (worsening weather). professional photographer yuri gnatyuk photographed a gorgeous halo observation on solovki.
• I love listening to c)the music
• Ben and Luse went to Paris by a)- train
• Can you pass me b)- salt, please ?
•.b)- Italian food is really delicious
• My brother works for c)the international company
• My best friend lives in b)the south of Spain
• Do you know anyone who works for с)- Microsoft?
• There is c)a spectacular view from up here
•.b)- fruit is very good for you/ Its important to try and eat some every day
• Excuse me! Is there a)а supermarket near here?
• How much do you earn b)an hour?
• b) - food in this restaurans isnt very nice
• b) The meal we had last night was very expensive
•.a)- breakfast is an important meal. You really shouldnt miss it
• My brother works as b)a nurse
* You`re b) the first person to ask me that
• c)The weather was terrible yesterday
•Jack`s got c)a really good job
* I used to have a)a car, but now I cycle everywhere
* We always go on holiday in b)- July