Here are some sentences about a popular restaurant for each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first use no more than 3 words 66)restaurant opened five years ago restaurant hasopen for five years 68) restaurant can take groups of a maximum of thirty people продолжение на фото ...
Summer - my favorite time of year. Finally, end the cold and begin a vacation. In summer you can enjoy the sun and warm weather, go on a long journey and hiking. Especially beautiful summer nature - noise green leaves forest berries ripen, the most amazing flowers bloom. You can walk endlessly on flowering meadows and enjoy the modest white-daisy or weave a wreath of dandelions. It's nice to go into the gloom of the forest and hide from the heat of the day. And if you look closely, the reward for forest walks are sturdy brown mushrooms and proud aspen. Лето – самое лучшее время для путешествий. В нашей стране очень много красивых мест, которые очень хочется увидеть. Таинственные пещеры, водопады, высокие горы и перевалы... Везде хочется побывать. В летние месяцы мы всегда отправляемся с семьей в маленькие путешествия – за город.
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66) been
67) to
68) creates
69) listening
70) there