Як на мене, то я дуже люблю театр, особливо Театр української драми імені Івана Франка.
Я надзвичайно ціную трупу цього театру. Мені подобаються традиційні театральні декорації, майстерно зроблені костюми. І, звичайно, це дуже важливо, які п'єси знаходяться в репертуарі. Київський театр української драми завжди ретельно добирає п'єси для його репертуару.
Іноді дуже важко дістати квитки на спектакль.
Недавно я відвідав Театр української драми, де я бачив п'єсу «Благочестива Марта» іспанського драматурга Лопе де Вега.
Головні ролі в спектаклі були зіграні відомими акторами. У цілому, цей спектакль має чудовий склад.
Цього разу наші місця були в другому ряду партеру. Перед початком ми купили програму.
У цьому спектаклі багато музики. Але чим я особливо насолодився в цій виставі було почуття гумору, яке пройшло крізь увесь спектакль.
Я вважаю, це була одна з найкращих робіт, яку я побачив у цьому сезоні.
As for me I like theatre very much, especially, The Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre.
I highly appreciate the cast of this theatre. I like the traditional scenery, skill-made costumes. And, of course, it's very important what plays are in the repertoire. The Kyiv Ukrainian Drama Theatre always chooses the plays for its repertoire very thoroughly.
Sometimes it is very difficult to get tickets to the performance.
Not long ago I visited The Ukrainian Drama Theatre, where I saw the play "The Pious Martha" by the Spanish playwright Lope de Vega.
The leading parts in the performance were played by the well-known actors. Generally speaking this production has an excellent cast.
This time our seats were in the second row of the pit. Before the beginning of the performance we bought a bill.
There is a lot of music in this production. But what I especially enjoyed in this performance was the sense of humour which permeated the whole performance.
I consider it was one of the best performances I have seen this season.
the computer came into our lives. I think they read less because of lack of time.
2 I like to read different kinds of books: historical novels and books on geographical discoveries, about life of famous people and culture of different countries and many other kinds of books both paper books and electronic ones.
3 Many people prefer e-books to paper books because they don't occupy much room as paper books do, it's often easier to find the necessary book on the net than in the library or in the shop. E-books are much cheaper as compared to paper books and besides you may find them recorded and then you don't need to read them yourself, but just switch on the record and listen to the actors who read the text. It's quite helpful. You don't need to strain your eyes. There are of course other arguments: for example, it's unpleasant to deal with old dusty books because many people are alergic to book dust.
That's why many people prefer e-books to paper books.