5 Complete the sentences with the adjectives below. famous full interested koon kind worried 1 He is for playing the guitar. 2 She's in music. 3. Are you about the noise? 27 4 We're on sport. 5 You're not very to your brother 6 The room is of students.
По данным отдела курортологии КазНИИ кардиологии, в республике изучено около 500 выходов лечебных минеральных вод, 78 грязевых озер и 50 климатических местностей. Так, на северных склонах Заилийского Алатау выявлены термальные сульфатно-гидрокарбонатные натриевые (Алма-Арасан) и йодобромные, хлоридные кальциево-натриевые воды (к северу от г. Алма-Аты), на северных склонах Джунгарского Алатау — термальные радоновые хлоридно-сульфатные натриевые, содержащие азот воды (Джаркент-Арасан, Капал-Арасан).
I arrived in Paris on Friday night. I was very tired when I arrived at the hotel. I hate waiting for people who are late. What are you going to do at the weekend? I don't know. It depends on the weather, I'm sorry , but really don't agree with you. I asked for a chicken sandwich, but this is tune! Let's invite Debbie and Tim for the party. Who's going to pay for meal? I need to speak to Martin at the meeting don't much money on food. Are you going to write to him soon? Don't worry about the exam. It isn't very hard . She fell in love with a man she met on the Internet. You're not listening! What are you thinking of? What do you think about Shakira? I really like her, she's great!
2) interested
3) worried
4) keen
5) kind
6) full