Model: People of almost any age can enjoy hobbies. Who can enjoy hobbies?
Collecting is probably the most widespread kind of hobby.
What is probably the most widespread kind of hobby?
1. Painting offers the hobbyist a wide choice of materials, such as oil
paints or watercolours. 2. A hobby offers a way to relax. 3. Almost any thing can be collected. 4. My brother is making model aeroplanes. 5. He
has presented his book collection to the university.
b) Model: Most people choose a hobby for relaxation.
What do most people choose for relaxation?
1. They often attend concerts. 2. My friends usually listen to music.
3. Some hobbyists enjoy physical activity and exercise. 4. My friends often climb the mountains in the Caucasus. 5. My relatives usually play card
games at weekends.
Портфолио: Каковы правила вождения в вашей стране? Сделайте плакат для туристов.
Russians drivers move on the right - hand side of the road.
The speed limit for cars in town is 60 km per hour, on a motorway – 110 km per hour.
The minimum age to drive a car is 18 years old.
Always fasten your seat belt when driving.
Children under the age of 12 must travel in a special additional seat.
Speaking on a mobile phone when you drive a car is forbidden.
Crossing the solid white line on the road is illegal.
If there are no traffic lights at a pedestrian crossing pedestrians have the right of way.
Российские водители едут по правой стороне дороги.Ограничение скорости для автомобилей в городе-60 км в час,
на автостраде-110 км в час.
Минимальный возраст для управления автомобилем-18 лет.
Всегда пристегивайтесь ремнём безопасности во время движения.
Дети в возрасте до 12 лет должны путешествовать в специальном дополнительном кресле.
Говорить по мобильному телефону за рулем запрещено.
Пересечение сплошной белой линии на дороге незаконно.
При отсутствии светофоров на пешеходном переходе пешеходы имеют преимущественное право перехода перекрёстка.