Name: Cause and Effect
Think about why the pyramid was built and what is happening to it today.
A Pyramid in Wyoming
When you think of pyramids, you probably picture one in Egypt or Mexico. Did you know that
there is also a pyramid in the United States? Not many people do. You can find the pyramid,
called the Ames Monument, off a quiet dirt road in the southeast comer of Wyoming.
Back in the 1800s, two brothers named Oliver and Oakes Ames worked with the Union
Pacific Railroad to build railroad tracks that stretched across the country. This was a spectacular
feat. However, Oakes was later charged with dishonest business practices, so the Ames brothers
and the railroad company gained a bad reputation. After the Amos brothers died, the people who
ran Union Pacific wanted to restore the company's public image. So they built a monument near
Sherman, a quiet town at the highest point along the rail line. The builder used blocks of pink
granite found in the area to construct the monument -a 60-foot pyramid. An artist added two
9-foot-tall carved portraits, one of each Ames brother.
At one time, train passengers traveling through the area could get off the train and view the
pyramid up close. However, since then, the railroad tracks have been moved and the town of
Sherman no longer exists. Few people come to see the Ames Monument anymore, and the odd
structure has fallen into disrepair. As a result, this pyramid may eventually vanish into history.
SKILL PRACTICE Read each question. Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.
1. According to the passage, why did Union Pacific 3. According to the passage, why might the pyramid
build the pyramid?
vanish into history?
® to give passengers something to look at
It is already falling apart.
to improve the railroad's public image
The railroad tracks were moved.
© to impress the Ames brothers
The town of Sherman no longer exists.
to compete with Egyptian pyramids
People do not remember the Ames brothers.
2. Which of these was an effect of Oakes Ames
4. What is the most likely reason that few people
being charged with dishonest business practices?
visit the pyramid today?
The Ames brothers moved to Sherman.
® Passenger trains no longer stop there.
® People stopped taking the train.
Union Pacific built a different monument.
© Union Pacific gained a bad reputation.
The Ames brothers died.
An artist carved Oakes Ames's portrait
The pyramid is in disrepair.
Первый праздник древонасаждения был проведен в Ростове-на-Дону 7 апреля 1910 года по инициативе городского Общества садоводов. Разработанный план мероприятия — посадок зелёных насаждений и порядок праздничного шествия по улицам города — были заранее опубликованы в городской печати. Главное управление землеустройства и земледелия бесплатно отпустило участникам праздника необходимый посадочный материал и садовый инвентарь.