1. I knew, she worked at the factory, she was married and happy 2. He thought, that his sister had already returned from the office 3. She said, she would be working in the garden from 3 till 5 o'clock the next day 4. Mother said, they had moved to Moscow by 1995 5. If you had read the book, I would have returned it to the library, and now I can't take books from there 6. If you buy tickets, we shall go to the cinema 7. If I had time now! or If only I had time now! 8. If you knew her phone number, we would call her now 9. He said, he would have already cooked the dinner by 5 o'clock the next day 10. My friend told me, his brother was watching TV in the next room that time 11. I knew, you live in Moscow 12. He said, that children were playing in the yard that time 13. Granny said, she would have baked a pie by 5 o'clock the next day 14. If I had this book now! If only I had this book now! 15. I you had written the letter, I would have sent it, and now I should visit the postoffice tomorrow 16. My sister said, she had already read that book. 17. If you go to the theatre, I shall go with you. 18. If you knew her address, we would visit her now. 19. He said, he would bring you the magazine the next day 20 I didn't know, you had already returned to St.Petersburg
My favourite food is pizza. I like all kinds of pizza and other Italian dishes. For my birthday, my parents always try to arrange a pizza party. There are times when we simply order pizza for lunch or dinner, just because there is no time for cooking. Out of my mum’s home cooking I prefer Ukrainian borscht. It’s a special red cabbage soup, which is tastier to eat with sour cream. Borscht is a traditional Russian and Ukrainian dish and many foreigners want to try it when visiting these countries. In general, I can say that I am a good eater. I like many types of food, among them fruit, vegetables, sweets and cakes, etc. However, there are some products which I don’t like eating. They are mushrooms and fish. My mother knows about it and she tries not to use these products in dishes.
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