1) I can't give you John's article now.It is being translated. 2) We couldn't get in because the rooms were being painted. 3) When your granny was a little girl,computer games were not played. 4) In England milk and newspapers are brought to the door of your cottage. 5) At the moment a new bridge is being built across the river. 6) I can't give you any information about the project.It is being discussed now. 7) Christmas and Easter are celebrated in many European countries. 8) Such cakes are made easily. 9) What about the hall?-When I entered the house it was being decorated. 10) Everybody was busy.The rooms were being prepered for the arriving guests.
Дорогая Лена, как ты? Я на данный момент в Великом Устюге с моей семьей. Здесь живет дед мороз. Я пишу эту открытку в замечательный дом Деда Мороза. Мой отец сделал фотографии его учеников. Моя мама наряжать новогоднюю елку. Моя сестра Тара поет Новогодние песни с другими маленькими детьми. Мы отлично проводим время в этом сказочном городе. Рождество и Новый Год приближаются. Завтра мы собираемся покататься на санках. Увидимся позже Джим P.s Я сделала отличные фотографии поездки. Я надеюсь мы поместим их в школьный альбом
3) When your granny was a little girl,computer games were not played.
4) In England milk and newspapers are brought to the door of your cottage.
5) At the moment a new bridge is being built across the river.
6) I can't give you any information about the project.It is being discussed now.
7) Christmas and Easter are celebrated in many European countries.
8) Such cakes are made easily.
9) What about the hall?-When I entered the house it was being decorated.
10) Everybody was busy.The rooms were being prepered for the arriving guests.