1. В том, что мы не ставим перед ним вс глагол don't/doesn't, а используем отрицательную форму глагола (с частицей not).
I am not a doctor [не I don't be a doctor/I don't am a doctor]
We are not doctors [не We don't be a doctor/We don't are a doctor]
He is not a doctor [не She doesn't be a doctor/She doesn't is a doctor]
2. Так же - мы не ставим вс глагол do/does на начало предложения, но ставим одну из форм глагола to be (в зависимости от лица).
Am I a doctor? [не Do I be a doctor?/Do I am a doctor?]
Are we doctors? [не Do we be doctors?/Do we are doctors?]
Is he a doctor? [не Does he be a doctor?/Does he is a doctor?]
3. always (всегда), often (часто), every day (каждый день), every year (каждый год), every week (каждую неделю), usually (обычно), sometimes (иногда), seldom (редко) (подробный список можно посмотреть в Интернете)
"Where is my umbrella?" she asked.
→ She asked
"How are you?" Martin asked us.
→ Martin asked us
He asked, "Do I have to do it?"
→ He asked
"Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter.
→ The mother asked her daughter
"Which dress do you like best?" she asked her boyfriend.
→ She asked her boyfriend
"What are they doing?" she asked.
→ She wanted to know
"Are you going to the cinema?" he asked me.
→ He wanted to know
The teacher asked, "Who speaks English?"
→ The teacher wanted to know
"How do you know that?" she asked me.
→ She asked me
"Has Caron talked to Kevin?" my friend asked me.
→ My friend asked me
1. My friend said he had visited all those places
2. Little Anthony said he took his little sister to school every day
3. Angelina said she had seen him that morning"
4. Nonna said I might take her textbook
5. Mary said she didn't like chocolate
6. Helen said her sister was ready to go
7. Petra said she couldn't read those books. she didn't like them
8. He said he would visit you the following Friday.