We were excited about our future trip.
We were very tired and it would help us to get rid of stress..
If we do physical exercises we will be strong and energetic.
To become healthy you must eat many vitamins.
We wanted to see interesting places which tourists very rarely visit.
Manager said to us that we could shop at any moment.
When we were on the top of the mountain we enjoyed a view of the great forest and blue water of the lake.
We took a lot of photos there.
To tell the truth our trip wasn't cheap.
A gondola ride is a bucket-list experience for most visitors to Venice.
Поездка на гондоле - это впечатляющий список для большинства посетителей Венеции.
High prices in the UK make it worthwhile for buyers to look abroad.
Высокие цены в Великобритании позволяют покупателям заглядывать за границу.
Fall is a brilliant time to practice the fine art of layering.
Осень - прекрасное время для практики изобразительного искусства наслоения.
It inspired me to hitchhike across Canada and later on travel around the world.
Это вдохновило меня путешествовать автостопом по Канаде, а затем путешествовать по всему миру.
was надеюсь :)