The Moscow Kremlin is so old! It was founded in _the twelfth century_. In the fifteenth century the Kremlin got _a stone wall_. The most famous _clock_ in Russia is in the Kremlin Spasskaya Tower. The Moscow Kremlin is famous for _its churches and cathedrаls_.
Московский Кремль такой старый! Он был основан в XII веке (в 1147 году). В пятнадцатом веке вокруг Кремля построили каменную стену. Самые известные в России часы находится в башне Кремля. Московский Кремль славится своими церквями и соборами.
1. what would you do if one day your friend won a lot of money?
2. what would you do if your friend's car has never been stolen, but one day it was?
3. what would you do if one day your friend lost his/her passport?
4. what would you do if there was a fire in the building?