Do you think Mars will be colonized by humans one day? The planet Mars is known as the "red planet". The soil there is red and its surface is covered in volcanoes. Until recently, it was believed that nothing could live on Mars, but during a space mission, tests were carried out and now it is thought that life on Mars might be possible one day. During the space mission, special equipment was used to examine the planet. No form of the life has been found yet, and so far, the planet is considered unsuitable for inhabitation. However, we are told by scientists that by 2020 humans will be sent to Mars and that one day special cities will be built so that we can live there. It is hoped that by 2150 Mars will be a wonderful place to live. Would you like to live there?
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2) Как мы формируем простое пассивное умение ?
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4) В предложениях кто называет среднюю школу и улицы?
В предложениях б кто получил в среднем по 400 центнеров с одного гектара по республике?
5) Найдите в тексте больше примеров пассивного залога?
1)I / We / You / They + V
She / He / It + V + s (es)
for example:
I go to work every day — Я хожу на работу каждый день.
2)Was\were + V3
3)где приведенные выше предложения?
4)я не увидела никаких предложений. (если покажешь, возможно сделаю)
5) а где текст?)?)?)