Present Simple
1) I read books every day.
2) Kate usually helps her mum to cook.
3) We do our homework in the afternoon.
4) I like dogs.
5) Dan is American, he speaks English.
6) Every summer my friends and I go to the seaside.
7) My father plays basketball on Sundays.
8) I live in a small town.
9) My sister likes to play with our dog.
10) My grandparents watch TV in the evening.
Present Continuous
1) My classmates are playing chess now.
2) Look! She is sleeping.
3) Mum is cooking dinner at the moment.
4) We are doing our homework now.
5) It is raining now.
6) My father is driving to work now.
7) My aunt is reading a letter now.
8) They are speaking English now.
9) My sister is dancing at the moment.
10) I am writing the exercise.
у вас не всё верно в задании 2.
2) disastrous floods (катастрофические паводки)
4) harmful (вредный)
5) damaging effects (вредное воздействие)
8) protection
9) poverty (бедность, нищета)
Задание 3
1 acid rain
2 tropical rainforest
3 exhaust fumes, exhaust gases
4 global warming
5 ozone layer
6 nuclear energy, nuclear disaster
7 public transport
8 traffic jams
9 natural resources
10 air pollution
11 sea pollution
12 solar energy
13 finite resources (ограниченные запасы ресурсов)
14 greenhouse effect
15 clean energy (экологически чистая энергия)
16 recycled resources (вторичное сырьё), recycled waste products (переработанные отходы)
17 noise pollution
18 renewable energy/resources/fuels
Astana VS Almata
The first argument in favor of Astana is cleanliness. The status of the capital makes itself felt. The city is cleaned several times a day: in the morning, in the middle of the day and in the evening, or late at night. It is so nice that there is almost no garbage on the sidewalks, and the roadway is cleared of snow in 90% of cases. Almaty, of course, is also cleaned, but there is more garbage there. Astana is cleaned in such a way that it seems as if the city itself personally monitors it every day.
The second is roads. The quality of the road surface in the capital is much higher. Yes, in Almaty there are also some chic road sections, but in Astana there are much more of them. Yes, almost all of Astana is paved with smooth asphalt, unlike Almaty.
The third is space. Due to its location in the steppe, Astana is very spacious. Buildings are not molded to each other as they do in Almaty. When you walk through the city and look up, you can see the buildings on the other side of Astana.
The fourth is the order. In Astana, there are more traffic policemen and ordinary patrolmen who patrol the city in threes. People, of course, break the rules, but somehow it's calmer when you see representatives of the law and order.