Today Astana is not only the capital of Kazakhstan but also one of the most beautiful Asian cities. Formerly, it was a small town known as Akmola, which served as a Russian fortification. The location for the town was chosen as a strategic point and a caravans’ route. For a long time the town was famous for its fairs and trade connections. People from all corners of Central Asia travelled there to buy and sell the goods.
Сегодня Астана является не только столицей Казахстана, но и одним из красивейших городов Азии. Раньше это был небольшой город, известный как Акмола, который служил русской фортификацией. Место для города было выбрано как стратегический пункт и путь для караванов. В течение долгого времени город славился своими ярмарками и торговыми связями. Люди со всех уголков Центральной Азии отправлялись туда за покупкой и продажей
1) благотворительность
2)Charity is important for giving organizations the money the need to have an impact.
3) World vision, Greenpeace,one,UNHCR,UNICEF, Action against hunger.
4)Volunteering is important as it offers essential help to worthwhile causes, people in need, and the wider community. Indeed, many organziations and charities rely on the generosity of volunteers as often they’re only part-funded through government or local councils, and cannot afford to pay salaries for all their staff. In fact, many companies depend almost solely upon teams of volunteers to help them thrive and do their work.
5)Yes. The present younger generation never cares to call their parents and likes to have atleast some talks. In the name of busy schedule, they ignore their parents and their relatives and donate on the other side to elderly homes. They are all with twin faces. Hence charity is definitely starts from home. The turmoil of parents are going to be faced by their own wards and spouses, before the end of their generation.
The man in the 2 photos is sick, he is holding a cup of tea or a medicinal solution, he is also covered with a blanket, a scarf is wrapped around his neck so that he can recover faster