2 Read the entries again and write a word in each gap to complete the sentences. 1 The colour of Maria's pet mouse Rosa is 2 Maria gave Luisa's father to her 3 Joseph's family got their dogs when they were 4 Joseph's dogs sleep inside the house in the 5 Sue Li's parents said she can't have a cat or a 6 Sue Li thinks butterflies are very to watch ❤
The basis of the power of plant foods gorillas. From consumed plants can be distinguished wild celery, cleavers, nettles, bamboo shoots, fruit of blue pigeuma. Fruits and nuts are the addition to the basic diet, the animal food (mainly insects) is a small fraction of the menu. Gorilla also used in various nutritional mineral supplements: eat, for instance, some types of clay, thereby compensating for the lack of salt in food. Drink gorillas hardly necessary: lush greenery already contains enough moisture. Waters and all the water be avoided whenever possible, and the rain nedolyublivayut.V nature gorillas live in the equatorial forests of west and central Africa, mountain gorillas - the slopes of the Virunga volcanic mountains covered by forests. Hold small groups consisting of a male-leader, several females and their cubs (from 5 to 30 individuals). They feed on plant foods, although the case is not averse and animals (mainly insects). Their massive jaws and powerful chewing muscles allow you to cope with any kind of vegetable food: crust, wood, stems, roots, and leaves and fruits.
Когда туристы посещают крупные города Казахстана, они всегда остановитесь, чтобы купить сувениры на одном из оживленных базаров и блошиные рынки. Здесь можно найти все - специи, еду, предметы обихода, одежда, электроника, красивая ручная работа ковры. Зеленый базар в Алматы, например, популярный продовольственный рынок. Лучшее место, чтобы попробовать традиционный казахский язык. кухня, такая как конская колбаса, казахское мясо, манты и кумыс. Лучшего кумыса в городе не найти! В Продавцы часто дарят покупателям бесплатные образцы. Они знают что их продукция хороша и что как только вы попробуете образец, без покупки уйти будет сложно что нибудь! Сначала вещи могут показаться дорогими, но вы можете торгуйтесь с хозяином ларька о цене и платите меньше. Там есть много других интересных рынков по всей стране, например Самал базар в Шымкенте и Центральный базар в Астане.
Gorilla also used in various nutritional mineral supplements: eat, for instance, some types of clay, thereby compensating for the lack of salt in food. Drink gorillas hardly necessary: lush greenery already contains enough moisture. Waters and all the water be avoided whenever possible, and the rain nedolyublivayut.V nature gorillas live in the equatorial forests of west and central Africa, mountain gorillas - the slopes of the Virunga volcanic mountains covered by forests. Hold small groups consisting of a male-leader, several females and their cubs (from 5 to 30 individuals). They feed on plant foods, although the case is not averse and animals (mainly insects). Their massive jaws and powerful chewing muscles allow you to cope with any kind of vegetable food: crust, wood, stems, roots, and leaves and fruits.