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The audio:
More about saiga
Saigas live in a very large herds that usually can be found in steppes and possibly open
, eating various plants, including some poisonous to other animals. They can cover long distances and
across rivers, but they avoid hills or mountains. The saigas become extinct nowadays due to various reasons including people activity. Nowadays saigas can only be found in Kazakhstan, Kalmykia and Mongolia.
ответы в решотках
1. B don't
2. A has
3. C do they speak
4. A does
5. C do
6. C does he do
7. B do you speak
8. A Carla's husband
9. B parents'
10. C Whose
11. C At
12. B To
13. B is never
14. A usually het up
15. C once a week