Вот это самым правильным ответттт
He doesn't know French perfectly. Does he know French perfectly? I don't understand everything he says.
Do you understand everything he says? She doesn't make mistakes in spelling. Does she make mistakes in spelling? They don't enjoy their English lessons. Do they enjoy their English lessons? They don't live in Kiev. Do they live in Kiev? We don't use our books in class. Do we use our books in class? The plane doesn't leave at ten o'clock. Does a plane leave at ten o'clock? She doesn't always come to class late. Does she always come to class late?
1. He (thought) that Carols chance would never ( come) if she went on behaving just the same time.
2. I was still (waiting) for you when it (started) raining.
3. Did you (speak) to him yesterday or have you (changed) your mind already?
4. I (insist) on sending them the money for the work they (did) several days ago.
5. It (happened ) just at the moment Foster and some other chaps (were passing by).
6. Its a long time I (have not heard) from my relatives who (live) in Toronto.
7. We didn't know where he (came) from and what (he was going ) to do.
8. What did you (do ) in the morning?
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