Складіть твір вітповідаючи на ці запитання: Який ваш улюблений альбом? Коли ти зазвичай слухаєш музику? Ви дивитесь музичні відеокліпи? На якому концерті чи клубі ви були останнім часом? Вам сподобалося? Який компакт-диск ви напевно придбаєте найближчим часом?
2 It was a lovely experience that I`ll never forget.
3 I stayed with Louise who is my French cousin.
4 She introdused me to Pierre whose knowledge of Paris is amazing.
5 I loved the boulevards which/ that are so wide and elegant.
6 The Eiffel Tower is, of course, a great sight that is famous all over the world.
7 My fvourite building, however, was the Invalides which was built in the 17th century.
8 At the end of the week I thanked Pierre who had been very kind.