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Listen to the track and answer questions 1 – 7 given by choosing A, B, or C. Q1. For the speaker and his friends summer work was a way to
a) escape from family chores
b) active and useful pastime
c) earn for the living
Q2. The three boys decided to go to Wisconsin for the summer work because
a) they could not stand the heat at home any more
b) it was a chance to travel and see the country
c) it was a financially tempting adventure
Q3. Five weeks the boys worked for 15 – 17 hours a day because
a) they decided to compete with professional farmers from the South
b) seasonal harvest necessity required it
c) they wanted to earn as much as possible
Q4. The boys worked in
a) fields, cutting and loading pea vines
b) the factory, processing and canning peas
c) different places doing all sorts of work
Q5. The next summer the boys managed to get a job
a) on several pea canneries, moving from place to place
b) in the same factory, but in a bigger company of friends
c) in a different cannery farther north, but on the same terms
Q6. In two years’ pea picking became
a) the only summer work for teenagers from this southern town
b) a special brand mark among the school students
c) a very risky and challenging way to spend the summer
Q7. Pea – picking developed a unique sense of brother hood among the boys and they
A) still can’t talk of anything else
b) became really interested in agriculture
c) are eager to reflect on that experience years after

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I'm writing to tell you what I know and thing about culture shock. At first I should notice that I'm quite submissive person and didn't think that something can surprise me but it happend. One day sitting on social network VK I met fine guy Vlad who studies medical examiner. He is russian actually, but his dad working as diplomat thats why they changed thier home to Cambodia. So, yes I was interesting in his work, he did't want to tell me about that, but then explained me some horrible facts about country where he lives now. There are some differences in medical degree they starts practice earlyer. He said it's not a lot of work to medial examiner in fact, it's using for white people and top people only. If you go somewhere outside the town you easy can find death people in hats, people also eat food what normal people will never eat and they take drug but not just drug they make it of real poop.
Just imagine horrible smell, little childrens with giant tummys and also all of that was proof by photos. And for people in Cambodia it's normal thing in fact they don't even see this. Probably its ifluence after Pol Pot actions. Yes, for me its a reall culture shock.

Я пишу чтобы рассказать, что я знаю и думаю о культурном шоке. Во-первых, я должна заметить, что я достаточна спокойная девушка и думала, что ничто не меня удивить. Однажды, сидя в ВК я познакомилась с классным парнем Владом, который работает судебно-медицинским экспертом. Он русский на самом деле, но его отец работает дипломатом, это и явилось причиной его переезда в Камбоджу, Да, я заинтересовалась его работой. Он не хотел рассказывать мне о ней по началу, но потом пояснил за некоторые ужасные факты этой страны. Есть некоторые различия в медицинском образовании этой страны-они начинают практику раньше. Он сказал, что в Камбодже не много работы для его специальности:они используются для белых людей и людей высшего соц.статуса. Если ты выезжаешь из города ты спокойно можешь найти мертвых людей в хижинах, люди в стране также едят то, что нормальный человек никогда не будет.Люди здесь принимают наркотики, но ни просто наркотики а сделанные на настоящем кале.
Просто представьте:ужасный запах, маленькие дети со вздутыми животами. Ко всему этому прилагались фото. А для людей в Камбоджи от норма, они даже не замечают этого. Вероятно влияние времен Пол Пота. Так что,да, для меня это настоящий культурный шок. 
4,7(74 оценок)
I'm writing to tell you what I know and thing about culture shock. At first I should notice that I'm quite submissive person and didn't think that something can surprise me but it happend. One day sitting on social network VK I met fine guy Vlad who studies medical examiner. He is russian actually, but his dad working as diplomat thats why they changed thier home to Cambodia. So, yes I was interesting in his work, he did't want to tell me about that, but then explained me some horrible facts about country where he lives now. There are some differences in medical degree they starts practice earlyer. He said it's not a lot of work to medial examiner in fact, it's using for white people and top people only. If you go somewhere outside the town you easy can find death people in hats, people also eat food what normal people will never eat and they take drug but not just drug they make it of real poop.
Just imagine horrible smell, little childrens with giant tummys and also all of that was proof by photos. And for people in Cambodia it's normal thing in fact they don't even see this. Probably its ifluence after Pol Pot actions. Yes, for me its a reall culture shock.
4,4(100 оценок)
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