Ons know?
a and 39 minutes.
b but they are different to ours.
d because of its colour.
c or green land.
Make a project or a PowerPoint
presentation about a planet in our solar
system. Present it to the class.
Venus is called the
Morning Star and
Evening Star, to
Cover TS mus
About my favorite region,
For mountains and oceans,
About continents and countries;
And where a flow of the river,
And what were the Greeks
And what are the sea,
And as the Earth revolves.
In school workshops...
Interesting cases don't count!
And call fun.
That's what "school"At school we learn many things:
About my favorite region,
For mountains and oceans,
About continents and countries;
And where a flow of the river,
And what were the Greeks
And what are the sea,
And as the Earth revolves.
In school workshops...
Interesting cases don't count!
And call fun.
That's what "school"
Школа – это светлый дом,
Мы учиться будем в нём.
Там научимся писать,
Складывать и умножать.
В школе многое узнаем:
О своём любимом крае,
О горах и океанах,
О материках и странах;
И куда впадают реки,
И какими были греки,
И какие есть моря,
И как вертится Земля.
В школе мастерские есть…
Интересных дел не счесть!
И звонок весёлый.
Вот что значит "школа"!