2 23 Read the text. Check your ideas in Exercise 1. Outdoor sports and activities We often do sports and activities at a gym or a sports centre, but sometimes we do them outdoors, in a natural environment. Outdoor sports and activities are sometimes competitive. This means that we do them in a race or a competition because we want to win a prize. Recreational means that we do them because they are fun. We usually do outdoor sports and activities in three different places: on land, in the air or in the water. Horse riding, mountain biking and climbing are land activities. We often go climbing on mountains or large rocks. Bungee jumping, parachuting and paragliding are air activities. We jump from a high place like a bridge when we do bungee jumping. Canoeing, waterskiing and windsurfing are water activities We go canoeing in rivers and waterskiing and windsurfing in the sea
Русск : моя любимая книга Гарри Поттер 1 часть ( начало) . Там рассказывается как маленький мальчик живет в семье , которая его не любит и вдруг он узнает , что он маг (волшебник) После ему пришло письмо из волшебной школы, и он отправился туда. В этой школе он нашёл друзей. Потом в школе начали происходить странные вещи (тролли бегают по школе, гигантские собаки у которых три головы сторожат двери. Они решили узнать в чём причина. В итоге во всём виноват оказался учитель, у которого было два лица, и который в конце умер. Конец первой части.
англ : my favorite book is Harry Potter part 1 ( the beginning) . It tells how the little boy lives in a family that did not love him and suddenly he finds out he's the Magus (magician) After he received a letter from the magic school, and he went down. In this school he found friends. Then in the school of strange things began to happen (trolls are running around the school, gigantic dog with three heads guard the door. They want to find out the reason. In the end, blame it was teacher who had two faces, and that in the end died.
1. I can play snowballs, but I can't play hockey. -Я умею играть снежки, но я не умею играть ы хоккей.
2. Den can ski, but he can't sledge. - Денис умеет кататься на лыжах, но не умеет кататься на санках.
3. Mary can both ski and skate, but she can't play snowballs. - Маша умеет кататься и на лыжах, и на коньках, но не умеет играть в снежки.
1. I like to play snowball with my friends outdoors. - Я люблю играть в снежки на улице.
2. Dan likes to ski at the sports ground. - Денис любит кататься на лыжах на спортивной площадке.
3. Mary likes to skate at the stadium. - Маша любит кататься на коньках на стадионе.