1. Nick was given a book for his birthday (by Tom). A book was given to Nick for his birthday (by Tom). Нику подарили книгу на день рождения. Книга была подарена Нику на день рождения . 2. You will be shown a new book of pictures (by Lydia). A new book of pictures will be shown to you by Lydia. Тебе покажут новую книгу. Новая книга будет показана тебе Лидией. 3. The Poles were led by Ivan Susanin into the thickest part of the forest. Поляки были заведены Иваном Сусаниным в самую чащу леса. 4. The translation will be done in the evening. Перевод будет сделан вечером. 5. The doctor was sent for yersterday. За доктором послали вчера.
Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in 1889 in London. He (1)… (had) a very difficult childhood. As a boy, Charlie (2) … (worked) to earn his living, and before he was fifteen, he (3) … (saw) his mother from backstage while she (4) … (was performing) and it was then that he first (5) … (though) about taking up such a career for himself. When Chaplin (6) … (was touring) the US twice with the famous Fred Karno group, he was headhunted by the American Keystone film company. He (7) … (had worked) for them for three years before he discovered he could direct for himself. Along with Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford, Chaplin (8) … (formed) United Artists in 1919, with whom he (9) … (made) most of his classic films. He (10) … (appeared) in his first talking film, The Great Dictator, in 1940. In 1952, after McCarthy’s Commission (11) … (accused) him of communist sympathies he (12) …(emigrated) to Switzerland, where he (13) … (lived) with his family until his death in 1977.
2. You will be shown a new book of pictures (by Lydia). A new book of pictures will be shown to you by Lydia. Тебе покажут новую книгу. Новая книга будет показана тебе Лидией.
3. The Poles were led by Ivan Susanin into the thickest part of the forest. Поляки были заведены Иваном Сусаниным в самую чащу леса.
4. The translation will be done in the evening. Перевод будет сделан вечером.
5. The doctor was sent for yersterday. За доктором послали вчера.