Past Perfect
We had played before she came back. Мы играли, прежде чем она вернулась.
3 She had finished the letter before I found my phone. Она закончила письмо, прежде чем я нашел свой телефон.
4 I had told her the story by the time my parents called. Я рассказал ей историю, к тому времени как мои родители позвонили.
5 The book had been written by 1890. Книга была написана к 1890
Past peefect continious
1.She had been running for two hours before she saw a village. – Она бежала два часа, пока не увидела какое-то село.
2.John had been speaking all morning, so he lost his voice. Джон разговаривал всё утро, так что потерял голос.
3.They had been sitting here since last evening before they bought the tickets. Они сидели здесь с вечера, пока не купили билеты.
4.She hadn’t been driving a car for an hour before she came to the gas station.Она не вела машину час, до того как приехала на заправку.
We had not been searching for a room for two hours before we found a free one.
1. Do you think that food defines a culture?If so, how?
Food is a part of culture because
1. Food resources quantity as few things are available abundantly and few are rare .
2. Following the recipes from long long ago .
3. Based on climatic condition, few things grow in respective area .
4. People used to wander a lot olden days and get settle at some place and those people food becomes habituate in further coming days in that place .
5. Fertility of land, type of land.
2. What are the eating habits in your country?
The average Ukrainian's diet consists of relatively inexpensive and bland staple foods, traditional Ukrainian dishes, fast/junk food, and a few personal idiosyncracies. Low-budget staple foods include: bread, oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, porridge, noodles, sunflower oil, vegetables in season, sausages, eggs, sauces, etc.
3. Are there any foods that bring back special memories for you?
Yes, there is many
Paska, Borscht, Varenyky, Holubtsi, Holodets
4. Are there any eating rules in your family?
Yes, when taking a small break in eating, the fork and the knife should balance on the rim of the plate; when receiving a second helping, they should lie parallel on the right side of the plate; and when you've finished your meal, they should lie parallel either across the plate or on a diagonal