Згадуючи як я провів літо, Можна довго розповідати про цікаві та різних днях, проведених з друзями і сім'єю. Щороку я їжджу до бабусі з дідусем в село, буваю на річці і обов'язково подорожую з батьками на море. Цього літа була хороша погода, небо було ясне і безхмарне.
Remembering how I spent the summer, I can talk at length about interesting and different days spent with friends and family. Every year I go to my grandmother and grandfather in the village, visit the river and travel with my parents to the sea. This summer was good weather, the sky was clear and cloudless.
Tim said, 'It's a great film."
He told
c me that it was a great film
2 Helena said, 'I'm seeing the film tomorrow."
She said
a that she was seeing the film the next day.
3 George said, "This is my favourite film
He said
c me that it was his favourite film
4 Ben said, 'I took my sister to see the film."
He told me
to see the film.
a that he had taken his sister
5 Olivia said,'We've seen several films in cinema.'
She said that
c they had seen several films in that cinema
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