My Hobby
I learnt to read when I was five years old and since that time I have read hundreds of books. I read all kinds of books — adventure stories, fantasy, historical novels, science-fiction, biographical novels, horror stories, etc. I love reading and I think it is the best hobby in the world. Let me explain why I think so.
First, I can read a book anywhere whenever I have free time. Secondly, a traditional paper book does not need any batteries or cables. Thirdly, there are so many books in the world that you will never run out of them. Fourthly, reading books makes you smarter, especially if you have a good memory.
Finally, reading is the safest hobby in the world. You can take part in adventures оn the way to the tops of volcanoes, or to Mars and back, around the world in 80 days, down to the bottom of the ocean — and the only injury you could suffer is a paper cut.
Мое хобби
Я научился/научилась читать, когда мне было пять лет, и с тех пор я прочитал(а) сотни книг. Я читаю разные книги: приключения, фэнтези, исторические романы, научную фантастику, биографические романы, ужасы и т. д. Я люблю читать и думаю, что это лучшее хобби в мире. Позвольте мне объяснить, почему я так думаю.
Во-первых, я могу читать книги где угодно, когда у меня есть свободное время. Во-вторых, традиционной бумажной книге не нужны батареи или кабели. В-третьих, в мире так много книг, что ты никогда не перечитаешь все-все. В-четвертых, чтение книг делает тебя умнее, особенно если у тебя хорошая память.
Наконец, чтение — самое безопасное хобби в мире. Ты можешь участвовать в приключениях на пути к вершинам вулканов или к Марсу и обратно, проехать вокруг света за 80 дней, опуститься на дно океана — и единственная травма, которая, тебе грозит, — это порез листом бумаги.
Going down the ladder and moved to a small hostel, I hastily washed, распаковала things and went for a walk. The first that is evident in a huge number of shops! Here you can buy any fashionable and not very thing. However, the prices are biting. Shopping in Moscow will cost much cheaper.
Attractions here at every step. Why are only the guards in bizarre hats with a rifle at the ready. You can walk up boldly and be photographed. Debt service will not allow them to move.
One day I was walking around London. In the SOHO neighborhood, I noticed that there everywhere are flocking crowds of people. They drink beer and have fun. I thought in the English of some national holiday. Music blasted, on the street many men with dyed hair and unusual costumes. And all gather in the festive column. I just could not join. And suddenly I see that go under the huge sign that says that this is a gay-parade! And I've already quit columns can't because he was in the first ranks. So I became a participant gay demonstrations, herself not wanting to. It was terribly funny!