1 + vova had a bike last year
- vova didn't have a bike last year
? Did vova have a bike last year?
2+ lera and Olga got a 5 at the exam
- lera and olga didn't get 5 at the exam
? Did lera and olga get 5 at the exam?
3 +we heart this song last week
- we didn't hear this song last week
? Did we hear this song last week?
4 + our teacher said to open the books.
- our teacher didn't say to open the books.
? Did our teacher say to open the books?
5.+ The ghost gave us some cookies.
- the ghost didn't give us any cookies
? Did the ghost give us any cookies?
6+ I saw my friend 3 days ago.
- I didn' t see my friend 3 days ago.
? Did I( лучше сказать you, чтобы не задавать вопрос самому себе) see my( your) friend 3 days ago
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2 а
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