Александр Невский – защитник Руси.
Prince Alexander Nevsky glorified his name in the fight against the Swedes, Germans and Lithuanians, who sought to seize Pskov and Novgorod. In 1239, by decree of the prince, towns were built along the Shelon River, including Porkhov, against the raids of the Lithuanians. In 1240, Prince Alexander defeated a Swedish detachment at the mouth of the Neva River and after this victory was called Nevsky. In 1242, Alexander Nevsky liberated the city of Pskov from the Germans and won a glorious victory over the Livonian knights on Lake Peipsi.
For centuries, from generation to generation, the memory of the warrior prince, the defensive prince, will continue to be transmitted. He selflessly fought, preserved Russia, did not let the Russians die as a nation. In many ways, it is his merit that later Russia became a powerful state, which gave the world great writers, poets, musicians, scientists. A state that could not and will not break any trials.
Tебе же на английском нужно?
Participle 1 - действительное причастие - 1 форма глагола+ -ing (e.g. flying-летящий, playing-играющий, swimming-плывущий, sleeping-спящий)
I saw the plane flying in the sky. - я видел самолет, летящий в небе.
Participle 2 - страдательное причастие - 3 форма глагола (built-построенный, sent-отправленный, ruined-разрушенный, written-написанный)
I can see a ruined castle on the hill - я вижу разрушенный замок на холме.