Вместо мишки просто можно поменять на машинку. My favourite toy – Моя любимая игрушка I want to tell you about my favourite toy. I have got many toys. I have got cars, planes, soldiers, lego, stuffed animals, dolls, balls, robots, different games. I like them all. But most of all I like my teddy bear. I have this teddy for 2 years. My grandmother gave it to me for my birthday. Teddy is not very big. It has a funny face. Its colour is brown. It is very soft. I like to hug it. And I like to sleep with it sometimes.
Разбор текста: I want to tell you about my favourite toy. – Я хочу рассказать вам о своей любимой игрушке.
I have got many toys. – У меня много игрушек.
I have got … – У меня есть… (выбираем игрушки из списка) cars — машинки planes — самолеты soldiers — солдатики lego – лего stuffed animals – плюшевые игрушки dolls — куклы balls – мячи robots – роботы different games – разные игры
I like them all. – Они мне все нравятся.
But most of all I like my teddy bear. – Но больше всего я люблю моего плюшевого мишку.
I have this teddy for 2 years. – Этот мишка у меня уже 2 года.
My grandmother gave it to me for my birthday. – Моя бабушка подарила его мне на день рожденья.
Teddy is not very big. – Мишка не очень большой.
It has a funny face. – У него смешная мордочка.
Its colour is brown. – Он коричневого цвета.
It is very soft. – Он очень мягкий.
I like to hug it. – Я люблю его обнимать.
And I like to sleep with it sometimes. – И иногда я люблю с ним спать.
ответ:Во первых ты это сама писала потому что там ошибок дофига
A) Read the email and choose the correct missing phrases (A-E).
The best thing you can do
I hope my advice helps
C I'm sorry
to hear
D You can also
TE This way
Dear Tara,
1 that you are feeling unhappy at your new school. You were so
excited about going to London. I want to help you.
2 ignores them. 3|your classmates will get tired of making fun
of you when they don't get a reaction and they will get used to your
accent. 4 ask at school if there is a school counsellor. Sharing your
feelings with someone at the school will help you feel better.
5 and you make some new friends soon. We all miss you here.
Write soon.
Love, Susie
И я не понимаю задания