I have never seen how you work.
I have never seen how you drive a car.
I have never seen how they grow plants.
I have never seen how she cooks
. I have never seen how he smokes.
I have never seen how you laugh
I have never seen how he carry heavy things.
I have never heard how you sing
I have never heard how he speaks in English.
I have never heard how she plays the violin.
I have never heard how they talk on the phone.
I have never heard how he shouts at children.
I have never heard how he moves furniture.
I have never heard how they discuss such questions
I did not notice how
you entered the room.
I did not notice how you take my book from the table.
I did not notice how they return.
I did not notice how you join us.
I did not notice how he fells asleep.
I did not notice how I get a cold.
I did not notice how the weather has changed
We Watched how they play football
We Watched how kinds run in the garden.
We Watched how she swims.
We Watched how she presents flowers to teachers.
We Watched how you wash the child.
We Watched how they lift up
We Watched how they throw Stones in the river.
1)Масло роблять з молока
2)Мене ніколи не за на вечірки
3) Апельсини важливі для Британії
4)Марки продаються на пошті
5)Як часто робиться прибирання у цій кімнаті?
6)Цей дім був побудований 100 років назад
7)Телефон був винайдений Александром Белом у 1876 році
8)Я народився у Лондоні в 1962 рік
9)Ми не були за на вечірку минулого тижня
10)Хтось відправився в лікарню після того випадку?
11)Нас пробудив гучний галас
12)Студентам видадуть нові книжки наступного тижня
13)Ця задача закінчиться через 10 днів
14)Мені не дозволять ходити після такої серйозної хвороби
15)Коли покажуть фільм на ТБ(Телебаченні)?