I am currently resting on the sea, it is very hot and beautiful there.Standing on the beach, you can watch its great beauty. The sea is different depending on the weather. When the wind is calm and the sun shines on the sea small waves that roll slightly on the shore. The water on the sea reflects the sun, and it glitters and shimmers with various yellow-blue hues. When there is a strong wind at sea, the waves can be 1-2 meters high, which when they reach the shore crash against the sea shore.
2. This is a tiger. It is red with black stripes. It lives in savanna. It eats meat.
3. This is a giraffe. It is yellow with brown spots. It lives in Africa. It eats leaves.
4. This is an elephant. It is gray. It lives in Africa. It eats leaves and fruit.
5. This is a monkey. It is brown. It lives in Africa. It eats fruit.
6. This is a lion. It is yellow. It lives in savanna. It eats meat.
7. This is a walrus. It is black. It lives in the sea. It eats fish.
8. this is a penguin. It is black and white. It lives in Antarctica. It eats fish.
9. this is a zebra. It is black and white. In lives in Australia. It eats grass.