My favorite dish is fried potatoes with mushrooms I don’t like eating soup, I prefer rice with vegetables or mushed potato I like to eat a sandwich or a salad in the morning I like to try different salads. My mom likes to cook borsch and a vegetable soup, they became my favorite dishes since I was a child I like to eat an omelet or a fried egg for breakfast. I prefer eating fried fish than cutlets or meatballs
Моё любимое блюдо жареная картошка с грибами. Мне не нравится есть суп, я предпочитаю рис с овощами или картофельное пюре. Мне нравится съесть утром салат или бутерброд. Я люблю пробовать разные салаты. Моя мама любит готовить борщ и овощной суп, они стали моей любимой едой с тех пор, как я был ребёнком. Мне нравится позавтракать омлетом или яичницей Я предпочитаю есть жареную рыбу, чем котлеты или тефтели.
ответ:1- she was born in Warsaw
2-In 1867
4-in 1877
7-In Paris
8-she invited her to live and study with them in Sorbonne
9-when her sister got merried
10-Physics and math
11-she started research to magnetism
12-he was a young scientist
13-uranium and other elements to find out if these substances were radioactive
14- Physics
16-her husband died
17-he got the position ther offered him at the Sorbonne
18-the first x-ray machine
19-she died in Paris in 1934
20-she died of radiation poisoning
21-we owe her our respect!