All cuisines of different countries. My daily diet begins with a light breakfast. This can be oatmeal with toast and tea or just a slice of bread with peanut butter and tea. At school I eating a apple or a bun. When I come home from school, I complete meal porridge and soup which -any fruit. I did not have dinner fat fish or steak. I love healthy food.
У всех странах кухня разная. Мой дневной рацион питания начинается с легкого завтрака .Это может быть овсяная каша с тостом и чай или просто ломтик хлеба с ореховым маслом и чай .В школе я могу съесть яблоко или булочку .Когда я прихожу со школы у меня полноценный обед суп каша и какой-нибудь фрукт . Ужинаю я не жирной рыбой или стейком . Я люблю здоровую пищу.
I went into one of the big London stores today and enjoyed myself very much walking from one department to another looking at various articles on the counters. I thought the shop assistants were very helpful.
There were hundreds of salesman and dozens of different departments.
I went from one department to another — from umbrella to gloves, up and down, in lifts and on escalators. I was surprised to meet an old friend of mine whom I hadn’t met for years. We talked a little and then did som e shopping together. I helped her to buy some presents for her children. I was so glad to meet her again after twelve years and invited her to come to our place on Sunday.
a kilo of potatoes
a packet of tea
a box of matches
a tube of toothpaste
a tin of sardines
a loaf of bread
a pound of butter
a jar of honey
a bag of sugar
a bottle of milk