As I usually do lessons Lessons I usually do in the evening. Some guys I know, doing homework right after school: come, have lunch, with half an hour to rest and enjoy the lessons. Maybe you need to do. Maybe even correct - quickly shut of him and almost the entire day is free. But I have not enough willpower to a routine. For me to study too hard. I do otherwise. First, as soon as I come from the school, I have dinner. Then I sit at my computer and do anything depending on the mood: I play computer games, surf the Internet or learn some new program. And just before the coming of the parents I sit down at my lessons. I start most often with difficult subjects - mathematics and Russian language. Perform written tasks, and then cook oral. After difficult subjects I rest awhile to watch some TV show or listen to a new CD. Then I sit down at the oral lessons: preparing for the history, literature and other subjects. When asked poems by heart, I try to teach them not for one night, several days in a row. I long ago realized that one night is not always possible to learn a poem well as Troika receive no big desire
В правом верхнем углу по порядку пишешь Flat № (и номер своей квартиры), строчкой ниже номер дома, улицу (37, Energeticov street) строчкой ниже город, индекс (Moscow, 555555) ДВУМЯ строчками ниже число (25 October, 2015) далее пропускаешь 2 строчки и слева с красной строки пишешь Dear Stan, Thank you for your letteк. It was so great to hear from you. I`m so sorry I haven`t answer you earlier but I was very busy. (красная строка) You asked me about getting a pet. Wow, it`s so cool! Of course, you should have pet. I think, you should get a cat, `cause it`s the most quiet animals and they don`t have to be walked. In my opinion, you should get pet from an animal shelter. There`re too many homeless animals there. I take care of my pet. I feed it, clean up after it. ( Красная строка) Well, it`s time to do my homework. Looking forward to your reply. (красная строка) Best wishes, (кр. строка) Derek.
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