ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ 3. Образуйте отрицательную форму. 1. My sister is going to cut the cake. 2. Girls are going to feed a dog. 3. They are going to walk. 4. Он не собирается бегать. 5. Я не собираюсь пить чай. 6. Моя мама не собирается мыть посуду.
1)Understanding British meals is one of the great mysteries to the foreign visitor. 2)the British have shown a tendency to name and rename their meals 3)They give different names to each meal 4)On their social class and part of the country they live on 5)At 5 o'clock in the morning 6)Now,it can be at any time before 11:30 7)At 9 am 8)between noon and 2.30 in the afternoon 9)At any time 10)lunch 11)At sunrise 12)They have their breakfast before they go to work, still stop for a lunch break at about 9 o’clock 13)It was at 4 o'clock 14)at about 6 in the evening 15)Dinner,which is also called supper. Если будут ещё какие-то вопросы, обращайтесь
1. isn't going
2.aren't going
3.aren't going
4.he isn't going to run
5.i am not drinking а tea
6.my mother isn't washing up
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