She just has gone out
She left the room a moment ago
Close the window, please. All the papers have fallen down on the floor because of the wind
When did you open the window? — I opened it ten minutes ago
I saw you walking down the street the other day with a heavy bag
He made home video a lot last summer.
I have translated the article: now I shall have a little rest
We went to the country yesterday, but the rain made us to stay inside the whole evening
It was very cold two days ago
When did you meet him?
We met for a picnic rather often last summer
Have you already sent an e-mail message to her?
Where did you spend time last Saturday?
Their friends swam so often last summer
We have taken hikes this summer
Where have you put the newspaper? I want to read it but cannot find it anywhere
At last he has written a composition so we can go for a walk
ответ:The hard disk is designed for fast recording and reading of information.
9) flash Drive is designed for storing and transferring information from computer to computer.
10) the Operating system loads when the computer is turned on.
11) the desktop is the initial window of the operating system where all shortcuts are located.
12) the taskbar displays icons of running programs.
13) Copying is creating a copy of a file in another location on the disk.
14) if you double-click on the icon, a window with the contents will appear on the screen.
disk size
Т.к. Нет утверждений по типу картинки с персонажами "Синди, Бен, Отец и тд" и их действиями, я не смогу выполнить . Извеняюсь.