1) Do parks provide vital opportunities for contemplation and enjoyment of nature and scenery? (общий вопрос)
2) Do parks or lakes provide vital opportunities for contemplation and enjoyment of nature and scenery? (альтернативный)
3) Parks provide vital opportunities for contemplation and enjoyment of nature and scenery, don't they? (разделительный)
4) What provides vital opportunities for contemplation and enjoyment of nature and scenery? (вопрос к подлежащему)
5) What do parks provide vital opportunities for? (специальный вопрос)
What could be more interesting than travel? But it’s worth planning everything right before you start your journey. To begin with, it’s worth starting to plan a trip based on price. Need to find out the price of air tickets. Find out where on specific dates you can fly the cheapest you can go. You need to find out what documents are needed to apply for visas. It is necessary to immediately plan all transfers and flights. You should immediately find all the necessary hotels, restaurants and travel guides. If I am interested in museums, I need to buy tickets in advance via the Internet. Immediately determine the country in which we want to go. We prepare the necessary documents in advance. We pack our bags. Tune in to the fun. I would like to visit (Вставь любимую страну вместо точек). One day I will go there and spend time with interest!