Complete the sentences with SOME, ANY, EVERY, NO - body/-thing A) 1. Do don't just stand there. Go and call the emergency! 2. Does live in that house? 3. The shop is closed. has gone home. 4. I don't know 5. They all know it. I spoke to about it yesterday. 6. The students didn't come to the party. There wasn't 7. My sister's a real fan of Robbie Williams. She knows 8. Do you know 9. Nobody knows about him. about repairing computers, so don't ask me to help. there at all. about him. who wants to buy a second hand dictionary? I'm selling mine. B) 1. Oh, the doorbell rings. There's the door. 2. Does know the answer? 3. That group is not very popular. Do you think that 4. It was really dark and I couldn't see 5. I wasn't listening but I think Brian said will be at the concert? about going to the pub tonight. 6. has forgot the umbrella here on the bus. 7. I was very angry because 8. Did you hear that? No, I didn't hear 9. The trip was so boring! called me to the party. interesting happened. C) It was cold and dark when I was going home. There was outside, the ПОДРУГЕ НАДО СОЧ ЕСЛИ НЕ СДЕЛАЕМ В ПИКНИК НЕ ПОЙДЁМ
That was very unexpectedly to hear such news from you! Which sport do you want to take up? Personally for me, I would be seen dead doing extreme sport, but mountaineering,for example, seems interesting. All in all, you have to face the truth: many risks arise with extreme sport. You know you are in danger but at the same moment fixed on the ropes and entirely safe. This can change your whole personality. And, of course, the views are amazing, I can imagine. But do you really think that it is worth to do?
0) Я бы хотел заняться каким-нибудь хобби. 1) Это так увлекательно, что ты решился! 2) Я думал, что ты коллекционировал марки. 3) Да, было дело. Но я бы хотел попробовать что-нибудь посложнее. 4) Тебе нравится кататься на велосипеде? Как насчет того, чтобы попробовать на горном велосипеде? 5) Это не то, что ездить на обычном велосипеде, и это более 6) захватывающее занятие. 7) Звучит здорово! Но, к сожалению, мама не разрешит мне кататься на горном велосипеде. 8) А у меня хорошая идея. Давай-ка сходим на хоккейный матч между учениками нашей школы. Будет много впечатлений. И может быть хоккей станет твоим новым хобби? Ну, так пойдем?
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