A good education of children is an important challenge for parents and society. Some people are harsh with their children. Let’s speculate, if their behavior is right. I am convinced that it is need to be kind with children and not punish them. If your child did something wrong, you have to explain to him, why he was guilty and which consequences may be, if he does it again. It allows him to be more responsible for his life. So he won’t be offended at you for a long time, because he will understand, why you were displeased with him. If you aren’t strict to your child, he will trust you more, because he won’t be afraid of punishment. In this case, your relationship with your child will be friendly and honestly. Every child needs a moral support of his parents. Some opponents of being lenient to children might argue that they need a strict education. They can manage their child to be obedient, because he wouldn’t like his parents to be angry again. I don’t agree with above-given argument, because a child may continue doing wrong things, if he is sure, that their parents won’t learn about it. He may lie to you and it will be a problem for his social development. But all demanding parents I have only one response: we have to pay attention to souls of our children and listen to their feelings, then we will have a wholesome society.
Nikolaev — the city in the south of Ukraine, an administrative center of the Nikolaev area. He has received the name in a year, after victorious storm of Ochakovo by the Russian troops under Suvorov's command. Ochakov has been taken in December, 1788, in day of Saint Nikolay, the defender of seamen. In his honor also called the new city. City life has been completely subordinated to shipbuilding and fleet. In Nikolaev Dahl, being on military service, have started creation of "The explanatory dictionary of living great Russian language". The city was visited by a great number of the Russian cultural figures.
Николаев — город на юге Украины, административный центр Николаевской области. Имя свое он получил через год, после победоносного штурма Очакова российскими войсками под командованием А.В. Суворова. Очаков был взят в декабре 1788 года, в день Святого Николая, защитника моряков. В его честь и назвали новый город. Судостроению и флоту полностью была подчинена жизнь города. Именно в Николаеве В.И. Даль, находясь на воинской службе, приступил к созданию «Толкового словаря живого великорусского языка». В городе побывало множество русских деятелей культуры.
I am convinced that it is need to be kind with children and not punish them. If your child did something wrong, you have to explain to him, why he was guilty and which consequences may be, if he does it again. It allows him to be more responsible for his life. So he won’t be offended at you for a long time, because he will understand, why you were displeased with him. If you aren’t strict to your child, he will trust you more, because he won’t be afraid of punishment. In this case, your relationship with your child will be friendly and honestly. Every child needs a moral support of his parents.
Some opponents of being lenient to children might argue that they need a strict education. They can manage their child to be obedient, because he wouldn’t like his parents to be angry again.
I don’t agree with above-given argument, because a child may continue doing wrong things, if he is sure, that their parents won’t learn about it. He may lie to you and it will be a problem for his social development.
But all demanding parents I have only one response: we have to pay attention to souls of our children and listen to their feelings, then we will have a wholesome society.