1)... drugs and alcohol addiction are quite spread problems among young generation.
2)... there is no gain without pain.
3)... It is hoped that economic situation will be developed during next two years.
4)... It has been decided that the entire group will visit historical museum.
5)... it’s more profitable to study abroad.
6)... Darwin’s theory of evolution was some kind of nonsense.
7)... nothing really lasts forever.
8)... such plan would never work out.
9)... human’s brain can use more than 10% of its capacity.
10)... this project is socially important.
Надеюсь, что правильно поняла задания и смогла
You shouldn't eat ice cream in winter on the street.
Тебе не стоит есть мороженое зимой на улице.
I should go to my grandparents.
Мне стоит ходить к своим бабушкам и дедушкам.
You must go to school.
Ты обязан(а) ходить в школу.
I mustn't eat pizza.
Я не должен кушать пиццу.
I have to cook food.
Мне надо приготовить еду.
I have to go to shop.
Мне надо ходить в магазин.