To be:
I am pretty.
he is handsome.
we are good pupils
Kate is clever enough/
This dress is too small
Minna is our best singer.
this painting is a masterpiece
her pie is delicious
i was tired
we were lucky to meet him
i will be at home
this cat is mine
our teacher was in the classroom
she is unfair
Sarah will be our helper
I was amased
Mary is a good actress
I am a scriptwriter
They are children
this answer is false
To have:
1)He has got an interesting book У него есть интересная книга.
2)I have got two sons У меня (есть) два сына.
3)They have got a lot of English books У них есть много английских книг.
4)I have got an interesting computer game – У меня есть интересная компьютерная игра.
5)She has got three daughters – У неё три дочери.
6)I have not got a new book – У меня нет новой книги.
7)He has not got a handkerchief – У него нет носового платка.
8)Jack has a green pencil. – У Джека есть зеленый карандаш.
9)My computer has a quick processor. – У моего компьютера быстрый процессор.
10)He has a bad habit. – У него есть плохая привычка.
11)We have a cat. – У нас есть кошка.
12)Ben has three pencils. – У Бена три карандаша.
13)We have many problems. – У нас много проблем.
14)He has two black cars. – У него есть две черных машины.
15)Their computers have quick processors. – Их компьютеры имеют быстрые процессоры.
16)I have not a car. – У меня нет машины.
17)He has not a pencil. – У него нет карандаша.
18)Jack has not a job. – У Джека нет работы.
19)They have not a serious problem. – У них нет серьезной проблемы.
20)You have not a credit card. – У тебя нет кредитной карточки.
2. Scientific
3. Productive
4. Engineering
5. Development
6. Artist
7. Innovation
8. Traditional
9. Stylish
10. Mass-production