A passport is needed so that citizens can exercise their rights: receive government services, travel by train or plane, confirm age when buying alcohol, go to Moscow restaurants, apply for loans, get married and receive government support.
или же так
Get at age 14
Replace at 20 and 45 years old
Replace if damaged or no free pages
Replace after changing personal data
Do not write or draw in the passport
Safely keep your passport
If lost, inform the police
Pay state fee for receipt and replacement
Hand over upon termination of citizenship
Provide correct information at checkout
Submit, if provided by law
1. “This patient will soon be operated on," the professor said. “We’ll do everything in our power to help him.” 2. On hearing the sad news, the girl burst out crying, but she was soon surrounded by her friends, who did their best to cheer her up. 3. What are you holding in your hand? Is it a birthday present for Ann? 4. I was late for classes yesterday because my tram was held up. 5. I’ve been trying to get hold of him for several days, but he always seems to be out. 6. This old house is to be pulled down next month, and a nursery school is going to be built in its place. 7. It’s unfair of the boys to keep away from Peter. He never meant to make fun of anybody. 8. It was rather difficult to follow with the speaker because he did not always keep to the subject. 9. You often lose your books because you don’t keep them in order. 10. After comparing the first dress to the second one, the girl decided to choose the first. 11. I think that a month’s stay in the South will do you a lot of good. 12. On hearing those words the boy leaned back and burst out laughing. 13. Nick hurt his leg and had to lean on my arm. 14. “Don’t lean on the table. How many times have I told you to keep your elbows off the table," the mother said in an angry voice. 15. The girl sat by the window leaning over a book. 16. If you don’t keep your word now, you’ll be ashamed of yourself later on. 17. It’s very dangerous to run across a busy street. 18. At first I hesitated about using these figures, but after checking them once again I decided to include them in my report. 19. He looked so cross when I ran into him in the street the other day that he hardly answered my greeting.
Misha was staying at a seaside hotel on holiday when he met his friend.
While I was having lunch the sun came out again.
Who were you talking to on the telephone when I came?
When Kira was reading the letter she noticed many spelling mistakes.
Kate was going to bed when suddenly she saw a mouse.
We were sitting down to dinner when the door bell rang.
Ksenia’s grandfather hurt his back while he was digging in the vegetable garden yesterday.
While he was sleeping, the doctor arrived.
What was she wearing when you saw her at the party?
What did she want when she visited you yesterday?
Somebody knocked on the front door as I had breakfast.
How much money did you spend last Christmas?
My father gave me money and I spent it all in one day.
Paul was not feeling very well, so he consulted his doctor.
Where were you living this time last year?
Stas didn't look at me as he was speaking.
When the ambulance arrived the patient was sleeping like a child.
I was reading when he called.
They were waiting for the bus when I saw them.
What were you doing when you saw them?
Миша находился в приморском отеле на отдыхе, когда он встретил своего друга.
Пока я обедал, снова выглянуло солнце.
С кем ты разговаривал по телефону, когда я пришел?
Когда Кира читала письмо, она заметила много орфографических ошибок.
Катя уже собиралась лечь спать, когда вдруг увидела мышь.
Мы уже садились ужинать, когда раздался звонок в дверь.
Дед Ксении повредил спину, когда вчера копал в огороде.
Пока он спал, пришел доктор.
Во что она была одета, когда вы увидели ее на вечеринке?
Что ей было нужно, когда она приходила к вам вчера?
Кто-то постучал в парадную дверь, когда я завтракал.
Сколько денег вы потратили на Рождество?
Мой отец дал мне денег, и я потратил их все в один день.
Павел чувствовал себя не очень хорошо, поэтому он обратился к своему врачу.
Где вы жили в это время в году?
Стас не смотрел на меня, пока говорил.
Когда приехала скорая , пациент спал как ребенок.
Я читал, когда он позвонил.
Они ждали автобуса, когда я их увидел.
Что вы делали, когда увидели их?