Complete the dialogue with the replies from the box. a) It's just terrific! I can't put it down!
b) What book is that?
c) As a rule I read stories based on real life.
d) Actually I have just started a new book.
e) Well, what kind of book is it?
f) I can say reading is my hobby.
Well, Ann, do you like reading?
- Yes, very much.
- What kind of books do you prefer?
- Are you reading anything at the moment?
- The Moon and Sixpence by Somerset Maugham.
- And when was it written?
- As far as I remember it was written just at the beginning of the 20th
century. So it's quite classical.
- This is a story of the conflict between the artist and conventional society,
based on the life of the French painter Paul Gauguin.
- Ah! I think you're really enjoying reading this book.
That's great.
We have an addition in the family that no one expected. The culprit was our cocker spaniel Misha. He brought a cat into the house!
This story lasted a week. Misha and I go out for a walk, and immediately a cat comes out from somewhere. And yesterday he flatly refused to go home, running up to me, then to the cat. Then I said, " Well, call her too." And the dog really called her somehow, because they went to the entrance together.
Вот перевод:
У нас в семье прибавление, которого никто не ждал. Виновником стал наш кокер-спаниель Миша. Он привел в дом кошку!
Эта история длилась неделю. Мы с Мишей выходим гулять, и тут же к нам откуда-то выходит кошка. И вот вчера он наотрез отказался идти домой, подбегал то ко мне, то к кошке. Тогда я сказала: "Ну, зови ее тоже". И пес ее действительно как-то позвал, потому что к подъезду они пошли уже вместе.