He always washes his hands before dinner.
Does he always wash his hands before dinner? общий
Why does he always wash his hands before dinner? специальный
Does he always wash his hands before dinner or breakfast? альтернативный
Who always washes hands before dinner? к
He always washes his hands before dinner, doesn't he? разделительный
He doesn't always wash his hands before dinner. отрицательное
Betty will have visited New York next month.
Will Betty have visited New York next month? общий
What city will Betty have visited next month? специальный
Will Betty have visited New York or LA next month? альтернативный
Who will have visited New York next month? к
Betty will have visited New York next month, won't she? разделительный
Betty won't have visited New York next month. отрицательное
We were looking after his children.
Were we looking after his children? общий
Where were we looking after his children? специальный
Were we looking after his or her children? альтернативный
Who was looking after his children? к
We were looking after his children, weren't we? разделительный
We weren't looking after his children. отрицательное
Пояснення: A little вживається з незлічувальними ,,трохи"
Наприклад: I have a little money, let's go to the cinema
А a few використовується зі злічувальними ,,кілька"
He has a few friends.
Рибу порахувати не можна, молоко теж не можна і хліб теж не можна.
Я не знаю, чи правильно чи ні, але мені розповідали саме так, по цим правилам і граматиці