Quickly - more quickly - the most quickly Gaily – more gaily – the most gaily Early – earlier – the earliest Loud – louder – the loudest Fast – faster – the fastest Late – later – the latest Well – better – the best Badly – worse – the worst Carefully – more carefully – the most carefully Quietly – more quietly – the most quietly
Hello, Amy! I can't believe either! My new home is really large - it has 3 floors, and my room is on the third one. My new room is more way better than my old one, you've got to see it! So I'm really glad that we moved away and my parents think so too. Even our neighbors are good! When we just came into the new house, they brought a pie for us. It's really nice from their side. And how about you? Do you like do gardening? I think you really help your father who will always appreciate it. But aren't you tired? How many hours are you working a day? And isn't it difficult for you? It it is you should tell your father about it. Miss you, (name)
Хорошо известна привязанность (любовь, ну или на крайняк забота) англичан к животным. 4 миллиона котов, 6 миллионов собак, 8 миллионов птиц в клетках, а также огромное количество других животных содержатся в качестве домашних в Англии. Официально зарегистрировано 50 частных зоопарков, в которых содержатся не только кошки и собаки, но и экзотические животные. В стране существует Королевское общество по предотвращению жестокого обращения с животными, которое недавно отпраздновало свой 150-летний юбилей.
Gaily – more gaily – the most gaily
Early – earlier – the earliest
Loud – louder – the loudest
Fast – faster – the fastest
Late – later – the latest
Well – better – the best
Badly – worse – the worst
Carefully – more carefully – the most carefully
Quietly – more quietly – the most quietly