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Why on the earth constantly there are wars?
War, thanks to a strong emotional pressure, promotes progress as progress isn't promoted by peace lazy time.During war the tool of attack and the protection tool will be improved, new effective technologies are created. There is a revaluation of existing values.
But stated above not this main thing for the Principal Reason, which main objective ensuring forward development of humanity. The main thing that during war there is an extinction of weak human individuals, суббпассионарив, the people mutants, the having lowered instinct of self-preservation.During war of revolutions there is a replacement of elite of the society which has lost ability effectively to operate society, to provide its progress.As in cases the disposable ships, rotting it is easier to destroy society, and on its place other people to construct new society, than to try to reanimate, morally, intellectually and physically degrading society. Not tiresomely to represent God (Principal reason) in the form of the kind old man who only and thinks of that, as though was to well human individuals. At the Principal Reason defined the purpose – providing forward society development and as the tool for achievement of the purposes is a cruel way of mankind through sufferings and wars.It not cruelty of the Principal Reason, and performance of the task for the sake of which there is the principal reason: life preservation in the Universe
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на русском :

Рассказ «Аристократка» написан Михаилом Зощенко в 1923 году. Это было послереволюционное время в России. Только кончилась гражданская война, в России царила разруха и голод. Бывшие аристократы, интеллигенты, просто культурные и образованные люди стали немногочисленными и незаметными на фоне всплывшей на поверхность новой социальной прослойки – обывателей. Это люди невоспитанные, необразованные, примитивные, с убогой моралью. Обыватель характерен тем, что живет мелкими личными интересами, но не осознает своей пошлости, хамства  и глупости, а наоборот, «как кавалер и у власти» и «лицо официальное» выставляет их напоказ.

В рассказе писатель очень тонко отмечает  и обобщает признаки этого времени. Чем же отличались люди этого времени? Что в них было характерно?

Возьмем, например, речь главного героя. Никогда раньше приличный человек не выразился бы так, как выражается Григорий Иванович: «…не люблю баб, которые в шляпках», «…и не баба вовсе, а гладкое место», «стоит этакая фря», «как у вас, гражданка, в смысле порчи водопровода и уборной», «волочусь, что щука», «развернула свою идеологию», «ты, гражданка», ну и знаменитое «Ложи,— говорю,— взад!».

Речь «аристократки» так же убога: «Аж голова закрутилась», «мы привыкшие», «Довольно свинство с вашей стороны. Которые без денег — не ездют с дамами».

Или еще приметы времени: золотой зуб у «дамы», фильдекосовые чулочки, давно умершее слово «комячейка» (кто не знает – это коммунистическая ячейка). А чего стоит дамы «скушать» за один раз четыре пирожных! Это также очень тонко выраженная автором примета времени – скудного и голодного, когда пирожные недоступны и чрезвычайно дороги. Еще и удивительно, что у Григория Ивановича на них хватило денег. Да и не так уж он плох, по крайней мере, не жадный, сам предложил пирожными угоститься.

Вот такой у меня вышел портрет героев новой социальной эпохи: всякий аристократизм им чужд и враждебен.

На англиском :

The story "Aristocrat" was written by Mikhail Zoshchenko in 1923. It was a post-revolutionary time in Russia. The civil war was just over, devastation and famine reigned in Russia. Former aristocrats, intellectuals, simply cultural and educated people have become few and inconspicuous against the background of a new social stratum that has surfaced on the surface - the townsfolk. These are rude people, uneducated, primitive, with poor morality. The layman is characterized by the fact that he lives with petty personal interests, but does not realize his vulgarity, rudeness and stupidity, but rather, “as a gentleman and in power” and “official person” flaunts them.

In the story, the writer very subtly notes and summarizes the signs of this time. What was the difference between the people of this time? What was characteristic of them?

Take, for example, the speech of the protagonist. A decent person would never have expressed himself in the same way as Grigory Ivanovich puts it: “... I don’t like women who are in hats”, “... and not a woman at all, but a smooth place”, “there is such a fry”, “like you, citizen, in the sense of damage to the water supply system and the restroom ”,“ I am dragging myself like a pike ”,“ I have deployed my ideology ”,“ you, citizen ”, and the famous“ Lodges - I say - back! ”

The speech of the “aristocrat” is also miserable: “Already the head has twisted”, “we are used to it,” “Pretty disgusting of you. Which without money - do not go with the ladies. "

Or even the signs of the times: a “lady's” golden tooth, philedecos stockings, the long-dead word “lump” (who does not know, this is a communist cell). And what is the lady’s ability to “eat” four cakes at a time! It is also a very finely expressed by the author of the sign of time - lean and hungry, when the cakes are inaccessible and extremely expensive. It is also surprising that Grigory Ivanovich had enough money for them. Yes, and not so bad, at least not greedy, he himself offered to treat cakes.

This is my portrait of the heroes of the new social era: all aristocracy is alien and hostile to them.

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Archimedes. Why in the first place was the ancient Greek scientist? First of all, because he is one of the greatest mathematicians of all times, close he came to the calculation of the number of "PI". Today all students and students of the daily study and enjoy the discoveries of the Greek. Also Archimedes was famous for the invention of many useful machines. Among these are the siege guns, and mirrors, поджигающие sails on the Roman ships by focusing sunlight. Archimedes made the first theorist of mechanics. For example, he presented the complete theory of the lever, applying it in practice. Also, scientists have developed a Archimedes screw (screw), with the help of which вычерпывается water and the present day. The primacy of the inventor of merit - all of it was opened more than two thousand years ago, when there were no computers, no technology available today, the inventors. Archimedes, perhaps, he studied in the libraries of Alexandria, but most of his knowledge was acquired independently.

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