1. according to the rules of business etiquette, where indicators such as age and gender go by the wayside, and first of all, the status of a person is important, the youngest in status is the first to greet the senior in status.
2. with equal status, the younger is greeted first, if age can be identified.
3. with equal status and age, the order of greeting does not matter, but in heterosexual couples, a man may be the first to say hello to a woman.
4. welcoming a client, a partner in their territory, it is customary to say hello first, regardless of status, age and gender.
5. one person, regardless of status, age and gender, is the first to greet the group.
6. the incoming always welcomes those present.
7. when overtaking a person, the one who goes faster is the first to say hello.
8. if there are four partners of equal status (for example, two women and two men), then first women greet each other, then women greet men and finally greet men. please note that this rule also applies outside of business communication.
9. welcoming a person, you should name him by name or patronymic, which depends on the standards of corporate culture of the company. to greet a person by addressing him by his surname with the addition of the words mr. or mrs. in oral speech in russian business practice is considered incorrect.
10. during the greeting, it is important to maintain eye contact and smile.
11. the greeting must be answered! refusing to say hello means inflicting a public insult on a person.
please note that according to the rules of general civil or social etiquette (outside of business communication), the youngest in age is the first to greet the oldest in age, and the man is the woman. an exception to this rule is the meeting of a very young woman and an elderly man. in this case, the woman is the first to greet the man. when people are equal in age and gender, the more polite person greets first.
formal greeting words: “hello! ”, “good morning! ”, “good afternoon! ”, “good evening! ”
1. do not spare the time spent
"well, why do i need this empty talk? " - some people think and are wrong. most of the conversations just start about something useless in order to have fun, find common topics, get to know a better person, or just kill time.
communication is not the thing that is supposed to be beneficial. but you cannot do all the work, and sometimes you need to relax and spend time in the company of another person. so learn to dilute little by little the productive pastime with ordinary conversations about nothing.
in addition, sometimes a good conversationalist can come up with such interesting and useful ideas that would ripen in your head for many years to come.
2. The mother tells her son not to watch this film.
3. Peggy asks her sister to tell the truth.
4. The customer asks the shop assistant to show him the fitting room.
3. Mary asks her brother not to make so much noise.