Yes, boys and girls, once again it is Todd from Twitch here to dazzle and astound with yet another collection of wonders and oddities from around the globe. Once again it is time for International Eye Candy. But before beginning with the Eye Candy proper I'm going to take a wee moment of your time to plug a little something. Twitch is trying a little something new this weekend for three days only – December 12th, 13th and 14th – we will be streaming a complete film for free within our pages. Why mention this here? Well, let's just say I read the talkbacks and have noticed - *ahem* - a certain fondness for free movies amongst the IEC readership. It's all about you, kids, it's all about you. The film in question is Robert Pratten's MINDFLESH, a very Cronenbergian stew of sex, psychosis and alien invasion. You can find trailers for it here. So, once again, that's MINDFLESH, for free, on Twitch this coming Friday through Sunday. And there aint nothin' cheaper than free. There, now. And to thank you for sitting through my little advertisement I now present to you the brand new poster for Phil Claydon's LESBIAN VAMPIRE KILLERS. Life is
Kendra is smelling the soup because it tastes strange.Den is looking for his report, but he hasn't found it yet.My chief usually works on Saturdays.She has been speaking for an hour on the phone.He is waiting for you at this moment.I am thinking about moving to St. Petersburg.What does your brother do? – He is a sportsman.Tim is fitting a new door in the garage now.This actress acts beautifully in the film.Ann is in the library. She is making a report.Greg is waiting for Jenny in the downtown. She hasn't arrived yet.Recently, she had planted some bulbs and flowers.We have no idea how long they have been swimming for, but it has certainly been longer than an hour now.– Is Mary crying? – No, she isn't, she is peeling onions.Now Justin is writing a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find a good publisher when it is finished.
Nowadays, teenagers are actively listening to music : in transport, in the street , at home , in the classroom , etc. Someone with the help of music is relaxing, someone on the contrary , the music helps to concentrate and find the right solution to a certain problem . In the world there are many varieties of styles of music: classical, pop , rap , metal, etc. And all this music somehow affects the aesthetic education of young people , on the formation of life ideals and principles. A form personalities and aesthetic culture - note the many writers , teachers , artists ( Makarenko , Kabalevsky , Sukhomlinsky , Ushinsky ) - particularly important in the most favorable adolescence or school age. A sense of the beauty of nature surrounding the people, things creates a special child emotional and mental state , to bring a direct interest in life, sharpens the curiosity, develops thinking , memory , will, and other psychological processes . As the psychological and sociological studies, emasculated , morally and aesthetically many areas of popular culture negative impact on the socialization of adolescents, which requires the active intervention of science for the socio- psychological study of the impact of the effects of culture on the formation of the psyche of the modern teenager . Severe strain developed in the last two decades in the formation of ideals , moral values is disorientation of many people , especially young people , dictates the need to find ways to design changes , both at the individual level and at the level of the various youth groups. ( BS Volkov, AV Mudrik , VS Mukhin A.V.Semenov , V.E.Chudnovsky , TI Shulga , NM skins D. Feldstein and others . ) .
Naked aggression vulgarity and immorality on the part of many media , especially television , leads to serious changes in the ideals and ideas of modern teenagers . According to E.A.Petrovoy , are biased and tender images of and ideas about family and love relationships , as well as a wide range of many traditionally revered in the mentality of the Russian people qualities : honesty, integrity , courtesy , etc.
Adolescence , by virtue of their psycho-physiological characteristics , is characterized by the need for intense physical and mental stress , however , that modern rhythmic music is more conducive to the realization of this need. In addition , adolescence is characterized by a need for intensive communication