I like to cook for my family. I read recipes and watch YouTube channels to find ideas for new dishes. Now it is my hobby, but I in future it will be my profession.
Everyone appreciates a good food. Food is not just nutrition for your body. When the meal is tasty, smells good and looks good, it is uplifting. That is why good cooks are always in demand.
I have already made dishes of European and Asian cuisines. Learning a cuisine means also learning a culture, it is very interesting.
I understand that working in catering is not easy. A shift may last 12 hours and you have to spend the whole day on your feet. But I hope my health won’t let me down.
1. The library is open daily except Sundays. (Present Simple)
2. I used to eat a lot of chocolate daily but now I’m on a diet. (Past Simple)
3. To avoid any fines he had to make monthly payments. (Past Simple)
4. She was paid weekly when she worked at McDonald’s. (Past Simple)
5. Lectures will be held twice weekly until the summer holidays. (Future Simple)
6. The weather forecast says it will rain daily until next Tuesday. (Future Simple)
7. Mike had worked daily Monday through Sunday before he became a successful businessman. (Past Perfect)
8. He has been crying daily since he heard the sad news. (Present Perfect)
1. Библиотека работает ежедневно, кроме воскресенья.
2. Раньше я ежедневно ел много шоколада, но сейчас я на диете.
3. Чтобы избежать каких-либо штрафов, он должен был делать ежемесячные платежи.
4. Ей платили еженедельно, когда она работала в McDonald's.
5. Лекции будут проводиться два раза в неделю до летних каникул.
6. Прогноз погоды сообщает, что дождь будет идти каждый день до следующего вторника.
7. Майк работал ежедневно с понедельника по воскресенье, прежде чем стал успешным бизнесменом.
8. Он плачет ежедневно с тех пор, как услышал грустные новости.
- Hi! Thanks, business is looking well. What about you?
- Fine, thank you. I’ve decided to serve traditional English breakfast for you. I want that you feel at home here.
- Very nice.I am very hungry now.
- Sit down to table, please. I’ve cooked some delicious porridge today.
- What is the porridge?
- The oatmeal porridge with fruit and chocolate.
- How have you managed to guess what I want? I always ate one at home.
- Help yourself to it.I have booked in a shop some fresh bacon and corn toasts.
- I like the bacon, but I am allergic to corn.
- What a pity! Would you like some juice?
- Yes, please, a glass.
- I like some strawberry jam. We always cook it ourselves.
- Do you bring some berries from your country?
- Yes, we have a lot of berries on our dacha.
- I think this jam is worth trying.
- How do you cook it? What is the recipe?
- I will write down you after breakfast. It’s quite easy.
- Thank you.Are there some quail eggs?
- Right.Have you ever tried them?
- Yes, I like it.Will you pass me the eggs, please.
- Here you are.
- Thanks.
- There isn’t enough salt in it.Will you pass me the salt, please.
- Here it is.
- Thank you.
- I discovered a new shop in the city centre yesterday. I had never been there and came in the first time.There were some perfect teas.
- Did you buy any?
- Yes, I bought one with some jasmine and currants.It is some London tea.I think it will remind you about your home.
- Oh, thank you.It’s very nice of you.