подумайте о воображаемом месте, где вы хотели бы жить. опишите это. следующие вопросы вам. какое это место? почему вы хотели бы жить там? какая погода там? что это за место? что ты можешь там? что вы можете сделать там?
название места - велцита. мне нравится это место, потому что оно красивое и чистое.
Every country and every nation has its own traditions and customs. I think we should know traditions and customs of different people. And we should respect them.
Great Britain is an island which lies between the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The total area is 242,534-sq. km. The population is 57 mil people. The largest and the most populated part of the UK is England. Its population is 47. 837 mil people and its capital is London. Scotland is the most northern part of the island of GB. Its population is over 5 mil people. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.There are a lot of places of interest in Great Britain: Stonehenge and Hadrian Wall, Durham castle and York Cathedral, Steam Boat Museum, National Railway Museum, Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, St Paul’s Cathedral, London Bridge, the Tower of London. On the Houses of Parliament one can see the famous Tower Clock Big Ben, the symbol of London. In Great Britain there is no written constitution. Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy headed by King (now Qeen, Elixabeth the second). Politeness is a characteristic feature of Englishmen. They often say "Thank you", "Sorry", "Beg your pardon". Englishmen have many traditional holidays, such as Christmas, St.Valentine's Day, Mother's day, Easter and others.
Russia is the largest country in the world.. It's total area is over 17 million square kilometers. Its population is of 200 million people. There are 1,030 towns and cities in our country. Moscow, with 9,5 million people, is the capital. The country is washed by the Arctic Ocean in the north and the Pacific Ocean in the east. These two cities have the majority of Russian sights. For example, the Kremlin, which is situated in the heart of Moscow, the Bolshoi Theater, which is also in Moscow and many others. Saint-Petersburg is famous by its magnificent architecture. Almost every building in the city looks like a rare masterpiece. Many people take trips along some Russian cities, called Golden Ring. The Golden Ring of Russia includes such cities as Suzdal, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl and many others. These cities are famous for their rich history and ancient churches.
подумайте о воображаемом месте, где вы хотели бы жить. описать его. следующие вопросы вам. что это за место? почему ты хочешь там жить? какая там погода? что есть в этом месте? что вы там можете сделать? что вы можете там сделать? название места - velcita.мне нравится это место, потому что оно красивое и чистое.