21 on, stole
22 are visiting, aren't
23 had washed, so
24 has hurt, in
25 which, have been painted
26 was talking, while
27 who, the furthest
28 to see, visits
21 base smth on smth - устойчивое сочетание, перевод: 'основываться на чем-то'
22 are visiting - запланированное действие, которое точно будет исполнено
aren't you? - разделительный вопрос, используется для превращения утверждения в вопрос; если в главном предложении глагол в утвердительной форме (напр. are), то в разделительном вопросе - глагол в отрицательной форме, и наоборот.
23 had washed - Past Perfect, т.к. действие завершилось к определённому моменту в
24 has hurt - Present Perfect, т.к. действие завершилось до определённого момента в настоящем/в будущем
take part in - устойчивое сочетание, перевод: 'принимать участие'
25 have been painted - Present Perfect Continuous, т.к. действие длилось на протяжении долгого времени в но в настоящий момент оно прекратилось.
26 was talking - Past Continuous, действие длилось во время определённого периода в
27 (far - further - ) the furthest - на самое дальнее расстояние в гонке на выносливость
28 be able to do smth - устойчивое сочетание; be able to see - быть увидеть
visits - Present Simple в придаточном времени
The future of computer games?
The Facebook owned Oculus Rift is the first of next generation of Virtual Reality headsets based on technology made cheap enough because of the popularity of smart phones, could become the future of all computer gaming.
Oculus VR have made some special development kits which are for computer game makers to use to help make new games. Some industry experts think that a second development kit may be announced ns soon as Inte March at the Game Developers Conference, With the Occulus Rift you will be able to play many new computer games such as 4 Dead, Half-Life 2, Portal 2, Skyrim, Mirror's Edge, Unreal Tournament 3, Dear Esther and DiRT2.
People can connect the Occulus Rift to their computer or games console and play games standing up or sitting down. People who hawe used the headset say that n short demo game to show how the headset will work felt as though they were in nnother world. Also that the game can become part of your reality because your subconscious mind can become involved in the virtual reality us well as your conscious mind. You cnn wear your own hendphones and it has special lenses in case you need to wear glasses.
The final version for everyone may be a year away and there are many improvements that will need to be made before it is ready for the consumer market. Nobody is certain about the price, but people think it will cost about 250 to 300 US dollars.
True, false or doesn't say?
True 1. Oculus Rift owes its development to smart phone technology.
doesn't say 2. Facebook paid one billion dollars to buy Oculus rift.
True 3. You can play computer games standing up with it.
True 4. People who used the Oculus Rift felt that they were in another world.
doesn't say 5. Some people who played games with it felt sick.
false 6. The Oculus Rift is finished and ready,
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